Experiencing an Emergency?
Have no worries; at Uptown Dental, you are in good hands! Call us today to book an emergency appointment. Our staff will ensure you feel comfortable while finding a solution to your problem. We can also assist you over the phone so that you can alleviate the pain in the time before your appointment. Don't hesitate to call; we are happy to help you.

Common Emergencies
You are not the only person who's experienced a dental emergency. Toothaches are common, and here at Uptown, we don't want you to sit in discomfort; our staff will ensure we can book you in as promptly as possible. Other emergencies could include a dislodged tooth, loss of a filling or crown, bleeding in the gums or teeth, and many more. Whatever your concern is, we are here to assist you; you are in good hands when you come to Uptown Dental.